Friday, December 16, 2005

Even the fruit is looking good...

Today I'm going under the knife to have a ganglion cyst removed from my wrist. Anything that's ganglion isn't staying on this body.

The surgery's not the big deal. It's the abstinance. No food after midnight. No water after 7am. Although I went until 7:30am...I was dryin' up.

And the bad thing is....this place is covered up with food. There's home made fudge, cookies, peanut brittle, chips and salsa, nut mix, honey roasted turkey breast, and two baskets of fresh fruit. It looks like heaven in a basket to me.

Oranges, apples, bananas, tangerines, pears, grapes....give 'em to me!

1 comment:

The Daily Rant said...

Ganglion? Ewwwwww. Sounds medieval or something. Oh, love the fruit picture. I made it my desktop!!