Thursday, December 27, 2007

If She Only Had Hands

The Thursday before Christmas, I arrive home to a gigantic package on the front porch. My Ex the Redneck and I used to have a Dog Store and Doggy Day Care. I recognized the box as a Bowsers Dog Bed or probably just the insert since Trace already has all the covers that she needs.

I drag the big assed 6' tall box into the house where my girl and the doggies are relaxing. We unpack it and stuff it inside Trace's old cover that still looks brand new after 8 years. (Honestly, if you need a dog bed...I cannot recommend them highly enough!)

Trace is thrilled. I am not.

I have told her not to contact me. She insists on driving an HOUR from her new home to get her hair cut at the same place I do, to go to the same chiropractor, doctor, etc. in hopes of running into me.

She thinks that it's a shame that we are throwing away 10 years together.

Is there any hope of us ever getting back together? None. Hell freezing over scenario.

How about being friends? Never.

After being treated like a princess for the last 18 months, I just can't see the point. Why would I allow My Ex the Redneck back into my life after 10 years of being hit, screamed at, held at knifepoint and generally abused? Thank you, I think I've had enough. I'm slow, granted it took me ten years, but I've finally learned.

I'm sure she was hoping that I would call her and thank her for the thoughtful gift.

Did Trace need a new bed? Yes, she did. Is Trace grateful? Yes, and I'm sure she'd call if she only had hands.


Dana said...

Ummm ... in some circles we call this stalking, but you are welcome to just call it CREEPY!

Jay said...

LOL .. Yeah, that's a bit over the top if you ask me. I think I would make sure I was armed when I went to get the hair done. Just in case. ;-)

Deb said...


I came across your blog from Jay's site. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I solely believe that there are people that come into our lives for a reason: learning. I know, with my ex, even though I really don't want to pursue a friendship with her, I know that it all happened for a reason and it made me realize things I never did before.

Be strong and never, ever let someone treat you like that again.

I hope you don't mind, but I'd like to link you to my site. I'll be back.

Good luck! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season!


Deb said...

P.S. Manipulation sucks, doesn't it? When they go to the stores you go to and trek over to your stomping grounds---------it can borderline stalking if you ask me.

Real Live Lesbian said...

Dana: That she is.

Jay: I'll just hide it under my smock!

Deb: Thanks. Life is so wonderful now that it's just barely even a blip on my radar...until she rears her ugly head again.

BBC said...

I make my own biscuits from scratch. I like boobs also, who doesn't.

Mackey said...

I think you should send the dog bed back to the redneck, with a note from the dog saying "thanx for thinking of me but my masters new partner bought me a better one.":P
he he he

Anonymous said...

She obviously didn't "get it" when you were together and it seems to be so now! This does seem a bit like stalking to me!

Real Live Lesbian said...

BBC: Really?

Mackey: Excellent plan! We actually thought of that. If she had rang the doorbell, I bet she would have got a nice knuckle sandwich!

Leighann said...

A 6ft tall box? You're brave even opening it, she could have been inside!!

Real Live Lesbian said...

Leighann: Good point. I'll have my girl use a long knife to open any other boxes!

Real Live Lesbian said...

Seamus: You're right...and she probably never will "get it!"

Anonymous said...

You need to get a restraining order. That chick sounds like she is psycho! Eek!

Jay said...

i have to agree with dana.
thats called stalking where i live.

of course, stalkers always learn when they meet "Mr. Baseball Bat"

jk dont do that.
i thinks its illegal!

BarnGoddess said...

ew stalker alert for sure.

I came over from Seamus's(I think!)...because I liked your name!

I also liked Welcome To Temptation..if you mean Jennifer Cruses book :)

Pretty dog!

Anndi said...

I'm with Leighann on this one.

She calls your Mom, and follows you around? Restraining order! or at least call and file a report...

Mike said...

Not only is your doggy cute, but she's big enough to disembowel creepy stalkers.

By the way, your dog is cute!

dawn said...

i am so glad that you stopped by my blog, so i could come see what i have been missing. in a small mind not so far away, a texas girl thought that exes that are rednecks could only naturally be men. she has officially been skooled.

happy new year to you & your nonredneck lovey...oh, and to trace.

MrRyanO said...

I have mixed feeling son this and offer no sensible solutions. LOL

However, having been stalked in a previous life and still have non-friends that follow my every move I can say that to ignore them is the best method. While my first thought would have been to send the bed back...this is also a form of communication...and (in my experience) opens the doors to drama. What to do, what to do, what to do...Restraining orders are so hard to get, even harder to enforce, and real stalkers seem to collect them like baseball cards (do the kids still collect baseball cards???).

Again...I am of no help, but I have offered my witty ramblings for your amusement.

I like boobs too.

Warmest Regards,


Real Live Lesbian said...

Prep Pond: Oh she is!

Jay: We have Mr. Gun right inside the front door plus two rotties. That should do it.

Barngoddess: I LOVE HER!!!! Welcome!

Anndi: Ok, I'll talk to my cop friend. But frankly, they just don't want to do anything unless she does something physical.

Mike: Sadly, she was OUR doggie. The other doggie will have to do the disemboweling. I'll tell her you said so. ;)

Dawn: Nope, us lesbians are JUST as lucky. Assholes are universal.

Real Live Lesbian said...

Rockdog: You are so right. Anything would have given her a line of communication. So I just took the bed, said fukkit and went to dinner with my woman.

fiwa said...

Assholes are universal, I like that line. My ex did that same thing, and I'm sorry to tell you he was still doing it 8 years later. Hope yours wears out sooner. Too bad it takes leaving for them to realize what a good thing they had, huh?!

And yay for Mom, she had your back, that's what counts.


Aunt Jackie said...

Is there any chance that your ex the redneck went around pretending to be a guy and I maybe went out with her too?? Hmmm, sounds almost like my ex the redneck. I wasted 2 1/2 years, that was bad enough. And not no but HELL no I would never get back with him. He is my one heinous regret.

Shudder to think about him.

Glad you are being treated like a princess now... something we all deserve.

R.E.H. said...

Your ex really seems like a bit of a nutjob there. And given the history of abuse, and current state of stalking... you're right to stay away.

Gotta accept a gift for the doggies though... but no thank you's. I think you've done good!

The Mistress of the Dark said...

I agree that's kinda stalker-esque... Trace is a gorgeous pooch btw

Spiky Zora Jones said...

Oh babes, ten years of abuse...oh nooeess. Babes your new g/f is the girl you need and want. She treats you like a princess, that is so cool.

You are doing fabulously in your new relationship and you can't throw that away.

The old g/f sounds a tad dangerous.

Ciao babes...nice looking dog. My cookie is & years old and so very pretty. We call him fred. He is sso cool and kind.

okya,,,this time I mean it...ciao babes.

Jeff B said...

That really sucks that she can't let the past be just that, THE PAST.

buffalodick said...

Get some legal letterhead and send her a warning....

Raven said...

I'm sure your doggie could figure it out if she really wanted to. But she knows who is taking good care of her in a drama free home. (think about the restraining order, it sounds like she is trying to slowly escalate contact)

Blissfully Wed said...

I'd celebrate your independence from such an abusive relationship with a beer, but it appears that I'm all out.

This cold glass of water will have to suffice. My best your way. Here's to finding peace and happiness. ;)

Schmoop said...

It astounds me how some people just can't let go. Cheers and Happy Doggie Dreams!!

Rick Rockhill said...

trace is so cute (I love dogs!) and probably deserves the bed...but I agree the ex should let go! nothing worse than a "hanger-on" that WON'T GO AWAY!

Christie said...

Can you say "Psycho". Seriously, you should start checking the backseat whenever you get in the car just in case she decides to "surprise" you.

Cap'n Ergo "XL+II" Jinglebollocks said...

if the package was 6' long I guess yer lucky SHE wasn't hiding inside o' it!!

::sigh:: I guess folken just get lonely @ the holly-daze...

Besides, you're not THROWING AWAY a decade: you're merely NOT CONTINUING ON to another decade.

Kahless said...


Popped by from Katy's blog.

Glad you realise that your ex, the Redneck, is abusive and you got away. Seems like she is trying to play games.

Glad Trace liked the pressie.

Helen Taylor Little said...

Saw your comment on Deb's site and found my way to your blog.
Hurrrrrraaaahhh for you!
No one should be used as someone's punching bag. Sorry you went through that. You rode that horse across country and back, but you reached inside and found the strength and courage to show her the door and lock it behind her. I don't know you but I'm proud of you.
You deserve so much, respect, sensitivity, generosity, comfort, sanity, compassion, and friendship.
I'll pray God removes her from your life.
Ms. Right is out there looking for you and you'll bump into one another once yer heart has mended, and all this insanity is only a memory.
Drop by my site sometimes:
I'll be visiting you each week.
May 2008 bring a truckload of blessings to your door.
God bless...
Peace and Light,

cats in the window said...

found you on boobs injuries and dr pepper...sometimes the exes just don't go away...been there...but the dog gets a great bed...sounds like bribery...

elizabeth said...

I did it too. Took me 10 years as well. Now I have my met my dream - but he's real. Don't think I would have appreciated him as much as I am able to if it hadn't been for dickhead.