Wednesday, August 03, 2005

So Far, So Normal...

I decided to have one of my chalky, funky protein shakes for breakfast. I was hungry again about 10:30ish which was normal for me, so I had a slimfast bar. That's six WW points, not bad for a morning. And now for lunch. I need to go light, otherwise my WW buddy will see that I've gone over. Not that she's hard on me. I just need to get back on track with my eating. And I'm trying to be reasonable today and not overdo it.

The Tomato Pie for dinner sent me way over on dinner points, so I'm making up for it this morning. I think that's probably what normal people would do. I ate too much last night, so I'll go light today. I wonder if they think about it....or if it's just natural. Natural would be nice. If all of this was easy and it just kinda happened. Probably not likely with me.

As for how I'm feeling right now...I feel full. Kinda stuffed almost. I guess the Slimfast bar was too much? Maybe I should try halfsies? Portion control is not my strong suit.

Now, what to do for lunch? It needs to be light. Relax and don't overdo it. I can always have a snack at 3:30ish. Just not the junk food at DDC!

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