Tuesday, November 06, 2007


If I didn't tell you, you'd never know. But I'm going to, because I have been telling you every week.

Last night I went to Weight Watchers. I'm up .6 of a pound. I finally had to change from my shorts and t-shirt to my sweats and long sleeved shirt. It's an event for the entire crowd...which week do you do it? Suck it up and know that those clothes are going to weigh more.

It fucks with my head. I KNOW I haven't gained any weight. And yet, their scale says that I did. But I didn't. But I did...officially. Thank you, yes, I am crazy-fucked-up-in-the-head about the whole weight issue.

On the positive front, my girl told me this morning that my ass is looking smaller. YAY! And she was even behind me when she said it. Of course, I'm a tad hornyish, so her saying that prompted me to back into her and give her a little standing lap dance. Gotta reward the good behaviors!

On top of that, an old buddy just walked into the office and told me that I'm looking "slick" this morning. (I'm taking that as a compliment.)

Hmmm...perhaps I am? Could 8 pounds make that much of a difference in a big girl like me? Doubt it...but these little positives sure do help balance the downer of the Weight Watchers scale.


MrRyanO said...

Weight loss makes a person crazy in general!

It's the plateaus that kill me...you work your ass off all week and see nothing...but it all evens out and you end up with the good weeks too. Main thing is you're doing it! Stay with it, Slick!

and Yay for lap dances!

Real Live Lesbian said...

Awww...thanks Rocky! And crazy was a short trip for me. I was already half way there!

Christo Gonzales said...


you have to wear heavy clothes

yooou dont have to wear heavy clothes

damn I am so lost on this one...

Real Live Lesbian said...

Doggy: Dude, it's damn cold....41 degrees this morning. No more shorts/tshirts until Spring. Girl's gotta keep covered up to stay warm! How's that?

Jay said...

You can wear shorts under the sweats and pull the sweats off when you weigh in. Or, don't wear shorts underneath. What the hell! LOL ;-)

Biscuit said...

WW is apparently breaking the number one rule of weighing in: You must be naked.

The others are DRY and ALREADY POO'D

Real Live Lesbian said...

Jay: Good God man, that's the last thing we need is a buncha fat women congregating in a CHURCH! LOL

Biscuit: Amen, sister. I was a bit worried about the rain last night. That shit'll get you wet...then you weigh even MORE! No good!

Leighann said...

I lost my train of thought when you said lap dance....

**blank stare**

Oh yes! I'm for the whole wear shorts under the sweats to weight in. I couldn't do the naked thing either, not everyone likes cottage cheese BAHAHAHA!

Jen said...

I've been trying to lose weight for 3 years now. I got married and somehow gained more than I want to admit. I missed working out our first year of marriage (I was a fiend before it; at the gym 2-3 hours every day). Without the gym - waah-laah - mucho, mucho weight gain! I can't seem to lose it now even though I've been working out for 2+ years. ***ugh***

So, you go girl! That's awesome!

buffalodick said...

Compliments don't grow on trees- take 'em where you find 'em!

Mr R Rabbit said...

Its not just about losing weight, though that will make a difference, its also about how confident you are. A more open posture'll actually make you look slimmer.

As to the scales, that little change could be an extra glass of water, or something as simple as different shoes.

Sounds like overall its going well, and congratulations on dropping eight pounds. Wish I could follow your example.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

I hate the whole weight of clothes thing. I take my shoes off when I weigh in at my gym. I was finally down to 139 on the scale there...which is oddly about 3 lbs more than what my bathroom scale reads.


Scales = evil.

Schmoop said...

.6 pounds, fugetaboutit....Keep pluggin along...er...so to speak. Cheers!! And thanks for the link, I'll put you on my list funny girl!!

Michelle said...

You've also been working out, right? You're probably tightening up as well, and muscle weighs more than fat, so you could be gettung smaller even without a cumulative loss. Keep up the good work!!!!

Tink said...

After my Mom and I quit smoking, we both started packing on a few extra pounds. Yeah, it pissed me off, but I tried not to get too crazy over it. But my Mom, she freaked out. She bought a treadmill and started drinking apple vinegar. Then she confessed that she would only be eating things that were the color green for the next month. Now I can't even eat a burger without feeling guilty. :)

g-man said...

I feel ya on the weight thing, good days and bad days. I lost 15 on WW and I have since found it again and some of it's friends. (sigh) I am officially back on the wagon.

Stand up lap dance, nice. If all women had that attitude ... well I don't know but it would be a nicer place. :)

Odat said...

It's how you feel, not whether you lost this week or not...you're obvioiusly looking good with the compliments you're getting....take em!!!

Cynnie said...

i was a ww leader for a few hundred years!..
and you know what we say..
go by the inches you lose..
it's keeps you sane when you've gained that .2

Unknown said...

My mom had the same problem when she was going to Curves drove her nuts....don't let it get you down ...that is why I hate the scale.
You just keep up the good work!