Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I'm so TAUNT

I work out with a truly odd mix of folks at a gym in the musty, dirty basement of a smallish house in Podunk, TN. One of the men is a high-falutin' lawyer that takes off his REAL Rolex and diamond jewelry when he walks in. He's quite the Big Fish in the Little Pond around these parts.

So the other night, Mr. I'm So Educated and Lofty says, "You're really getting taunt."

Me: Quizzical look.

Him: "You know...TAUNT (as if I'm the idiot)'re body's tightening up."

Me: "Oh yeah?...Thanks."

Oh how I wanted to say something quick, smart-assed and clever! But quick and clever just wasn't happening. Plus, he really WAS trying to be complimentary.

I'm still at a loss for what I SHOULD have said.

Any ideas?


Schmoop said...

Ha...You could have said, "Gee thanks, and by the way that is a nice Rolex that you boughnt." Cheers!!

Jay said...

LOL ... Well, at least he tried to be nice.

Real Live Lesbian said...

Matt: I'll starnt speanking withn ann extran n

Jay: Yes, he was TRYING.

Leighann said...

Be thankful, he could have said; "My you're still quite jigglish!"


Odat said...

He was just probably fishing for a complement back....

buffalodick said...

I used to have a boss that always said "floormat" instead of "format". We would stare, and he would press on oblivious to our puzzlement...

Enemy of the Republic said...

Shit, what do you say to that one? I don't go to gyms: I take classes like Pilates and Yoga or I work out outside. I got tired of what you described. One time I was on the exercise bike and some guy told me that I wasn't going to get maximum benefit unless I did such and such. I asked him: Dude, what's it to you? He called me a bitch and I probably was, but I didn't know why he cared what I did.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

LOL! I don't think there's anything that is appropriate to say in that instance that wouldn't sound wrong.

I'm kinda glad silence rules at the gym I go too, except amongst the college boys.

Cynnie said...

Oh lord..
you're a saint..
I so would have said taut.

yeah..i basically would have taunted him..

and then i would have kicked his knees out..
well..not really

but i would have said something..

g-man said...

You could have said, I have no Ideal what you are trying to say,


I just had a cheeseburger so the point is rather mute.


Thanks working out and a glass of Mer-lot really takes the edge off. Judging by your jewelry you are used to sipping peanut nor and eating fill-it mig-non yourself.


Mr R Rabbit said...

Thanks, you're looking quite fight yourself?

He'd probably miss the sarcasm though.

Melissa said...

I'd have left it alone, too. I'd want a friend to correct my pronunciation, but not a casual acquaintance. One of my coworkers says she's "stuffocating" or "flustrated" and I've grown to love it.

Dana said...

I'm thinking something along the lines of, "Oh, and you are getting quite *teased* as well", but if he's an attorney, he'd just think you were an idiot!