Friday, November 16, 2007

Someone Save Me

I have a problem. I need help. Around 2pm every damn day for the past few weeks, I find myself pulling into Starbucks.

What makes me think that I have the funds to spend $5-$10 (if I'm feeling generous and buy someone else in the office one, too) on coffee every day?

I'm not even close to looking like one of those ridiculously trendy girls that think they're cute holding a Starbucks' cup and starving themselves.

So WHAT is it? Is there any way to stop this madness? Why can't I stop? Just say no?

Currently, I'm on a Non-Fat, Sugar-Free Cinnamon Dolce Latte with no whip and no sprinkles (Ok, SOMETIMES I get crrraazzzyyy and have the sprinkles.) How fucking pretentious is THAT? I'll tell you...the guy on the speaker yesterday said, "Are you sure you don't want to go all the way and get that a decaf?"

Smartass Barista.

Here's a little something for the boys (and me). Happy Friday, ya'll!

(FYI: The barista at my Starbucks does not look like THAT!)


Rick Rockhill said...

its very simple. Starbucks adds a dash of crack cocaine to their beans.

Happy Friday~

Real Live Lesbian said...

Savant: I wondered what was in those sprinkles! ; 0

MrRyanO said...

I've only been to Starbucks twice and both times there were dirty hippies running the joint...and it took roughly 10-15 minutes to get our order filled...not to mention the time standing in line.

Hooters serves coffee...and wings...and beer...and Hooters.

Just sayin'...LOL!

Have a great weekend and thanx for the shot of barista chick!

i am the diva said...


mmmm i'm kinda thinking of some starbucks right now, sadly - i doubt my barrista looks like that either.

It's the crack. Totally.

y'know, every time i've gone to Hooters, i have that "Oh God, where am i supposed to look when i order?" feeling - and then i remember, This is HOOTERS and stare at their tah tahs. :D

now i want beer and wings.

and hooters.

Jay said...

The closest Sarbucks to me is more than 30 mins away in Brason, MO. The people who work at that one don't look like that either! It usually some tattoo covered, smart-ass teenager with 8,000 piercings who acts like they are doing you a HUGE favor making your coffee for you.

Of course, I'm not really a coffee drinker, I have enough vices going already.

Real Live Lesbian said...

Rockdog: Excellent point, Dude. Although, the Hooters girls around here aren't like the ones I see on TV. At all. Just ew.

Diva: LOL...yep girl, stare away!

Jay: I WISH my Starbucks was 30 min. away! I have two within 5 minutes...not good. What's one more vice? Vices give us character (and something to blog about!)

g-man said...

Now I'm hungry for wings (and hooters) too.

I have a deal with my local coffee place (not Starbucks). I take pictures and help with promotional stuff and I get minez fo free. (6 shots of espresso with coffee on top aint cheap). It is the only way I can afford it.

Real Live Lesbian said...

Gman: I *think* that makes you a coffee whore. (wondering HOW I can get a gig like that!)

Unknown said...

None of the Starbucks employees look like that here either....I was hooked when I was working too, cost me $4-$6 each morning for a latte and muffin, and I have 3 kids to raise what was I thinking?
It is caramel apple latte time though, and I sort of miss them, and now really crave one...wonder if I can beg one off Papa Bear tonight when we head to the city....perk of country living not a Starbucks for miles.

Now, put that money away, and go to a gas'd be surprised some of their flavored coffees are just as tasty and cost a heck of alot less!

i am the diva said...

i never said the lifeguard was a dude. ;)

Real Live Lesbian said...

Sassy: Yes ma'am. You ARE the voice of reason!

Diva: Touche´! Rawrrrrr!

Schmoop said...

I never go to Starbucks because I like plain straight coffee, but if that lady worked at one near me I might just start. Cheers!!

i am the diva said...

my sis-in-law reads my blog, otherwise i'd post the whole thing.

Real Live Lesbian said...

Matt: Straight coffee? I never knew there was such a thing! ;)

Diva: Damn her!

Dana said...

Having grown up in Seattle, Starbucks lost it's appeal long ago. I'm a coffee whore, but I spent about a month's worth of Starbucks $$ on a really good Espresso Machine (DeLonghi EC460) and now I can have whatever I want, whenever I want. No need to give up the habit, just bring the habit home!!

Aunt Jackie said...

I love coffee. More and more, and more as I go along. I think I'm turning into my Mother except for the fact that she always drinks it straight black and I drink it that way except for when I am having Starbucks.

A coworker of mine stated that he had to make his wife narrow down her Starbucks habit because she was drinking it 2-3 times a day and it was taking a toll on their finances. lol!

My "habit" is not quite as bad as yours YET, but I'm working on it... I love me some white mocha. haha. Cool post... Saw you over at Jay's place and thought I'd stop by.

Real Live Lesbian said...

Dana: I too have a fancy schmancy coffee machine that'll do cappucinos, lattes, etc. And therein lies the problem. I STILL want to go to Starbucks! WTF?

Jackie: Ooohhh...I love the WCM, too! Glad you stopped by!

The Mistress of the Dark said...

I've never seen any barista that didn't look like a hippie yet :(

I love the pumpkin frappachino, but I don't get it that often, cos the calories are evil...evil...evil..

buffalodick said...

Starbucks stock has been going downward for awhile. They have more competition, and people have found good and cheaper places. Find one!

elizabeth said...

I love me some Starbucks. I used to order a grande non fat decaf caramel machiato (sp?) now I'm into a grande americano with milk and sugar - all becausse of the bf - he converted me this week. I have such issues. (But i do eat at least.)

RW said...

Wow! pour me some java! ;D

TheyDHD said...

He he. I'm so broke I can't afford to pay attention, but I did get a free fancy schmancy coffee maker to try and keep because I'm a loudmouth with lots of friends. That thing is a lifemaker! *chuckle*

I've never had a coffee at Starschmuks, but I have stolen a few of those lovely vanilla-crack sprinkles on numerous occasions when I walk by their kiosk at my local grocery store. YUM!

Fightin' Mad Mary said...

Starbucks is an addiction.

try the 12 steps...

Jay said...

whoa that rounds off to $1500 - $3000 dollars on year on coffee!!!!

imagine what you could do with all that cash!

like the pic btw!

Boysenberry said...

I'll admit it, since joining private industry, I've become a caffeine addict once more. I was weaning myself off when we had a new bloke join us... now, I'm back on the coffee treadmill :|

Rick Rockhill said...

meant to tell you, I added you to my blogroll, hope its OK.



Michelle said...

OMG, you have become a coffee asshole! I think you were in line in front of me yesterday! Did you ask for a 'light dusting of cinnamon?' Certainly you heard me muttering under my breath!

Tish said...

Haha! That was a great post. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog yesterday. It's very nice to meet you! :)

Tish said...

Btw, I'm in Tennessee too! :)