Saturday, October 13, 2007

Not A Mommie

I just spent the afternoon with a friend's little girl. Now I have a headache. She's so wonderful and so taxing and so everything all at the same time and she never stops talking!!!! Seriously, never.

The most precious thing she did was color me a picture. She hung it on the wall behind my desk at work. Then said, "You can just turn around anytime, look at this picture and know that I love you." See, right there. I would be one of those parents constantly in tears over sweet things like that. Buying her convertibles and high heels just because she asked for them.

She also asked me if I was a girly girl. Um, yeah....

What exactly do you mean?

Do you ALWAYS wear makeup?
Do you always dress up?
What do you wear when you're "playing?" (Hehehe...that depends on what Miss Linda wants to "play!")
Does Miss Linda live with you now?
Is she your friend like Miss Nikki was?
Why doesn't Miss Linda wear makeup?

(Miss Lynn starts wondering where she's going with all these questions....)

She goes on to tell me that sometimes she likes to be a tomboy. Shit. Shit. Shit.

I do not want to be in this conversation. I'm the only lesbian that this family knows and allow to be around their child! I can see her coming out to me at seven years old!

The problem is that although she's only seven...she's WAY smarter than me.

Change the subject. Fast. Find something girly to talk about. Anything.

Me: Do you like playing with Barbies?
Her: No, not anymore. I outgrew that. I don't like dolls anymore. Dolls are boring.

Me: Do you still like Disney princesses?
Her: Nah, I'd rather play out in the dirt with my brother.

Me: I think it's time to play Quiet As A Mouse. Gah, I'm lame!

Offering this 7 year old high heels may be our only hope if she starts wearing ball caps and bandanas.


KellyKline said...

My youngest daughter loooooves boobies.

Yep. She'll do anything to see some boobies.

And then her eyes get real big, she giggles nonstop, and keeps saying ... you guessed it ... "Boobies!"

She must get that from her mom. ;)

Michelle said...

Oh, yikes! The last time I watched my neice and nephew, my niece grilled me wanting to know why Uncle Jeremy and I shared a room but weren't married, and my nephew called me into the bathroom to let him know if his pee pee was "normal". I told him I didn't know, since the only 5-year-old's pee pee I had ever seen was his. He seemed disappointed by that.

Real Live Lesbian said...


I STILL love to see boobies! LOL

I just never get enough.

Matter of fact, that's how I figured out that I was a lesbian. When I kissed my first girl and she had boobs, I realized THAT is what had been missing when I wa with guys...BOOBIES!!!!!

Real Live Lesbian said...


Are you living in sin????

They do manage to put you in a spot, don't they?

For the record, I haven't seen that many weenies either. You should have told him that it's normal...just really big for his age. They ALL love to hear that crap! LOL

Leighann said...

3 of my 4 are girls, trying dealing with that drama day to day! LOL

My 4 year old however is convinced she has a penis. She says "it just doesn't stick out yet" I'm thinking....therapy??

My 7 year old can't wait to get her boobs and hopes against hope that they'll be as big as mine.

They once asked me why they weren't allowed to drink Mountain Dew. I said "because you'll get big fat boobs like mine". Yep, you guessed it, they can't WAIT until they're old enough to drink Mt. Dew!


Anonymous said...

Kids are a trip - my nephew has gotten really facinated with changing doll's diapers - and he's almost 6 - dunno what ths says but you just gotta let them be who they are....this post cracked me up though...

Real Live Lesbian said...

Leighann: I have news for her...lots of girls I know have penises that never stuck out yet! You have got your hands full with those girlies! It's gotta be fun though. I'm sure there's never a dull moment!

Damn Mt. Dew.

Princess: That is a trip. Changing diapers? Some woman's going to be thrilled with him when she has his children!

KellyKline said...

Boobies are the bomb.

Just sayin'.

Real Live Lesbian said...

LOL @ Kelly. I think everybody's figuring out that we're liking the BOOBIES!!!!